Musical instrument wholesale and distribution.

Breedlove Support

Breedlove Manual

For information on preserving the remarkable tone and playability of your Breedlove, please download the complete Breedlove Owners Manual. In this manual, you will find the answers to common questions regarding the care of your instrument.

Guide to selecting an acoustic guitar

 Breedlove acoustic buyers guide

  • Click here or the image above to read the guide online!

Instrument Humidity, Temperature and Solid Wood Instruments

As with any high-quality solid wood instrument, humidity and temperature are very important factors affecting the health and longevity of your guitar or mandolin. Humidity and temperature are easily monitored and regulated with the right accessories - specifically, a thermometer and a hygrometer.

You can take an in-the-case approach to humidity control, or you can treat the entire room in which your instrument will be kept. Measure the relative humidity (RH) and temperature of your storage environment to determine if it is suitable. Measuring daily for a week or two will help you determine whether conditions are stable. Your Breedlove instrument was built in a controlled environment with an RH of approximately 45% at a temperature of 70° Fahrenheit (F). An RH of between 40% and 50% at this same temperature will ensure a suitable environment for your Breedlove. Note that RH is temperature-dependent. Air with 45% RH at 60° F does not have the same water content as air at 70° F with 45% RH.

If your storage environment is below 40% RH, invest in a humidifier with variable controls to establish proper RH. If the environment is above 50% RH, a variable-control dehumidifier will be needed to achieve optimal RH. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers are available at many department stores.

The transfer of water vapour between the wood of your guitar or mandolin and the atmosphere is actually a relatively slow process, and this works in your favour. When an instrument is kept in its case, the process is slowed even further. By keeping your instrument in suitable conditions most of the time, you can take it on short trips to places with less desirable RH conditions without causing problems. If you are taking a longer trip (more than several days) you will want to use some sort of in-case humidity control and measurement.

Note: When selecting an in-case humidifier, avoid designs that completely block the sound hole - they can cause over-humidification of the instrument body while doing little to maintain proper humidity for the neck.

How to change strings with a pinless bridge

Please watch the video below to learn about changing strings with a pinless bridge.